The Amazon EKS 蓝图 CDK 仓库 包含[eks-blueprints]( NPM 模块的源代码,。AWS 客户、合作伙伴和内部 AWS 团队可以使用它来配置和管理完整的 EKS 集群环境,并进行初始化,以部署和操作所需的工作负载。 我现在已经是这个仓库的贡献者了,在这篇博...
我们建议通过 clusterProvider 自定义集群参数,通过 EKS Blueprints 内置的 addOns 添加插件。 虽然利用 CDK 命令行工具部署一个堆栈很方便,但我们建议设置自动 Pipeline,负责部署和更新 EKS 基础设施。这样更方便使用框架的代码管道堆栈在不同地区部署开发测试和生产环境。 CodePipelineStack 是一种持续交付 Amazon CDK ...
EKS Blueprints 还可以实施来自同一个集群多个团队运行操作工作负载所需的相关安全控制。 执行以下代码,安装项目的依赖: npm install @aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints@1.3.0 typescript@~4.8.4 --save 左滑查看更多 打开lib/quickstart-stack.ts 编写 EKS Blueprints 代码: import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';...
cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>/<AWS_REGION> Usage for IPv4 cluster Run the following command to install the eks-blueprints dependency in your project. By default, blueprints creates IPv4 cluster. npm i @aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints Replace the contents of bin/<your-main-file>.ts (...
And with CDK: const applicationTeam = new blueprints.ApplicationTeam({ name: "team-blue", namespaceLabels: { appName: "example", }, namespaceHardLimits: { "requests.cpu" : "1000m", "requests.memory" : "4Gi", "limits.cpu" : "2000m", "limits.memory" : "8Gi", }, users: [new...
И CDK реализация:const applicationTeam = new blueprints.ApplicationTeam({ name: "team-blue", namespaceLabels: { appName: "example", }, namespaceHardLimits: { "requests.cpu" : "1000m", "requests.memory" : "4Gi", "limits.cpu" : "2000m", "limits.memory" : "8Gi", ...
Backed by emerging AWS EKS Blueprints The Starter Kit improves existing features offered by the AWS EKS Blueprint and AWS CDK. It is fully compliant with AWS best practices on infrastructure provisioning, management, and security. Migrate without changing existing code ...
import'source-map-support/register';import*ascdkfrom'aws-cdk-lib';import*asblueprintsfrom'@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';import{KeptnControlPlaneAddOn}from'@keptn/keptn-controlplane-eks-blueprints-addon'constapp=newcdk.App();constaccount='<AWS ACCOUNT ID>';constregion='<AWS REGION>';constKeptn...
├── @aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints@1.13.1 ├── aws-cdk-lib@2.115.0 ├── aws-cdk@2.99.1 └── ... 运行cdk list 确认环境已准备完成,有以下 CloudFormation 可以部署 Comfyui-Cluster CloudFrontEntry LambdaModelsSync S3OutputsStorage ...
AWS Quick Start Team. Contribute to aws-quickstart/cdk-eks-blueprints development by creating an account on GitHub.