Amazon EKS Blueprints Addons Terraform module to deploy Kubernetes addons on Amazon EKS clusters. Usage module "eks" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws" cluster_name = "my-cluster" cluster_version = "1.27" ... truncated for brevity } module "eks_blueprints_addons" { source = "aw...
DynatraceAddOn() const addOns: Array<blueprints.ClusterAddOn> = [ Dynatrace, ]; const account = '<aws-account-id>'; const region = '<aws-region>'; const props = { env: { account, region } }; new blueprints.EksBlueprint(app, { id: '<aws-eks-cluster-name>', version: 'auto', ...
It will also bootstrap the cluster with vpc-cni, coredns, kube-proxy, aws-load-balancer-controller, metrics server, and cluster-autoscaler add-ons. Indicating that an add-on should be installed in an EKS cluster is as simple as setting a boolean value to true: module "eks_blueprints" { ...
我们建议通过 clusterProvider 自定义集群参数,通过 EKS Blueprints 内置的 addOns 添加插件。 虽然利用 CDK 命令行工具部署一个堆栈很方便,但我们建议设置自动 Pipeline,负责部署和更新 EKS 基础设施。这样更方便使用框架的代码管道堆栈在不同地区部署开发测试和生产环境。 CodePipelineStack 是一种持续交付 Amazon CDK ...
ref=v4.0.2" eks_cluster_id = module.eks_blueprints.eks_cluster_id # EKS Add-ons enable_amazon_eks_vpc_cni = true enable_amazon_eks_coredns = true enable_amazon_eks_kube_proxy = true enable_amazon_eks_aws_ebs_csi_driver = true # Self-managed Add-ons enable_aws_for_fluentbit = ...
我们建议通过 clusterProvider 自定义集群参数,通过 EKS Blueprints 内置的 addOns 添加插件。 虽然利用 CDK 命令行工具部署一个堆栈很方便,但我们建议设置自动 Pipeline,负责部署和更新 EKS 基础设施。这样更方便使用框架的代码管道堆栈在不同地区部署开发测试和生产环境。
feat: add upstream module with k8s-addons example by @Zvikan in Updated the example for the private eks cluster with additional details and individual stacks for vpc, eks cluster and add-ons by @satveerkhurpa in https://git...
What's Changed fix: Localize partner addons to remove cyclical/dynamic link pointed at main by @bryantbiggs in Full Changelog:
addons (like CoreDNS), and can enable other valuable operations required by cluster administrators. For more details, you canview the full installation instructionson the AWS site. Provision an EKS cluster The eksctl tool can read configuration settings from aClusterConfigtext file, which is ...