TECHNOLOGIES We provide China’s key service providers advanced technology & FINANCING We identify the latest global technologies to match CHINA’S NEEDS A platform for technologies to bring sustainability AGGREGATE INNOVATE HOPE Sensus Healthcare Engages Ekpac Healthcare Ltd. as New Exclusive Distributor...
简介:Ekpac International Limited (曾用名:維昌洋行新能源有限公司 EKPAC RENEWABLE ENERGY LIMITED) ,成立于2011年,位于香港特别行政区。展开发票抬头 数据纠错 关注登记信息 发生变更时通知我 商业登记号码 58482175 企业名称 Ekpac International Limited Ekpac International Limited 企业编号 1613307 企业状态 仍注册 成...
商标名称EKPAC 国际分类35-广告销售 申请/注册号3435197 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2003-01-14 初审公告期号928 初审公告日期2004-05-21 注册公告期号940 注册公告日期2004-08-21 专用权期限2014-08-21-2024-08-20 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)维昌洋行中国有限公司 申请地址(中文)香港铜锣湾告士打道255号信...
Ekpac has marketed industrial machinery and consumables in East Asia for more than a hundred years. Few companies know these markets better than Ekpac. Ekpac sources industrial equipment from leading European and Japanese manufacturers for distribution through its highly specialized sales and service organ...
香港维昌洋行(Ekpac) 行业:其他生产、制造、加工规模:150-500人 地址: 企业简介 招聘职位 Ekpac has marketed industrial machinery and consumables in East Asia for more than a hundred years. Few companies know these markets better than Ekpac. Ekpac sources industrial equipment from leading European and ...
點擊購買EKPAC China Ltd的專業版報告 Contact Method(聯繫方式): Contact Person(聯繫人員): Mr Alvin Chan Job(工作職務):Chairman Address(辦公地址): Room 2803 Sino Plaza 255 Gloucester Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Telephone(電話號碼):(852) 25555555 ...
維昌救援科技有限公司 Ekpac Fire and Rescue Technologies Limited 成立於2019年07月30日。公司註冊編號是:2858354,公司類別屬於私人股份有限公司 ,截至今日,該公司共經營了5年6個月1天。公司現狀为: 仍登記在冊。公司名稱(英文): Ekpac Fire and Rescue Technologies Limited 公司名稱(中文): 維昌救援科技有限...
a If no value in whole number results, it is rounded up or down according to the figures after the decimal point. 如果价值在整数不发生,它根据图被环绕或下来在小数点以后。[translate] aEkpac China Ltd Beijing Rep Office Ekpac China Ltd Beijing Rep Office[translate]...