I wrote a review with some of the shortcomings of the stethoscope/app and promptly received a response from the development team. It turns out that one shortcoming (the phone speaker audio) can’t really be fixed since it’s a speaker issue and not really an issue on the app’s part. ...
Eko目前的主要硬件产品是Core Digital Stethoscope,即数字听诊器和升级产品DUO ECG & Digital Stethoscope。Core Digital Stethoscope是一个完全组装的数字听诊器,能够主动放大患者的心肺声音并主动消除噪音。通过配合Eko App和耳机,Core Digital Stethoscope可以支持无线听诊,而这种数字听诊器可以将患者的心肺声音通过40倍放...