Ekimovsky, Victor File:Composername.jpg Composer Name Biography Born: 1947 Country: Russia Studies: Teachers: Works for Percussion Disparendo–Percussion Septet References
Victor Ekimovsky · 2011年 Vers libre for Two Quartertones Pianos (1999) The Russian Avant-garde on the Cusp of the Millenium. Victor Ekimovsky · 2011年 27 Destructions for Percussion Ensemble (1995) The Russian Avant-garde on the Cusp of the Millenium. Victor Ekimovsky ·...
首页 榜单 听书 直播 下载酷狗 商务合作 更多 Manuel Zurria - Viktor Ekimovsky (In Canes Venatici) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Viktor Ekimovsky Manuel Zurria 08:02Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 关闭...
Ekimovsky: The Mirror of AvicennaMICHAEL DERVAN
Tsenova, Valeria (ed.). Studia Slavica Musicologica: Texte und Abhandlungen zur osteurop?ischen Musik, 30. Ernst Kuhn, Berlin, 2003. viii + 245 pp. Lists of Principal Works. Musical Illustrations. Index. Euro 49.95 (paperback).McMillin ASlavonic & East European Review...