The EKI-2528I-M12 unmanaged switches are designed for application in harsh environments. First of all, the switches provide 8 Fast Ethernet ports with M12 D-coded connectors which can connect the cables tightly against vibration and shock. Second, the switches support 10/100 Mbps, auto MDI/MDI...
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制造商型号: EKI-2528I-M12-AE 制造商: B&B SmartWorx, Inc. 产品类别: 传感器接线盒 商品描述: 8 PORT M12 UNMANAGED INDUSTRIAL 供货: 货期 工作日(7-10天) 渠道: digikey 服务: 锐单发货及售后,顺丰快递,在线客服 客服: 立即咨询 询价 提示: 联系在线客服,获得更多EKI-2528I-M12-AE价格库存等采购信...