Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] ECG Library Content ECG Basics– Waves, Intervals, Segments and Clinical Interpretation ECG A to Z by diagnosis– ECG interpretation in clinical context ...
An S wave in lead I signifies a complete or more often incomplete RBBBIn lead III, look for a Q wave, slight ST elevation, and an inverted T wave. These findings are due to the pressure and volume overload over the right ventricle which causes repolarization...
Don't forget trick to turn page to right (clockwise), if larger to right then RBBB, to left then LBBB Note: T wave should go in opposite direction (down) if not then is ischemia until proven otherwise LBBB Complete vs incomplete BBB ...
ECG Basics including Rate, Rhythm, Axis calculations and interpretation of P, Q, R, S, T U waves, segments and basic ECG calculations