May be inverted or retrograde Short Narrow <0.12 Image Source: Adapted from Wikimedia Commons Note the P wave immediately before the Q as seen on lead II. This P wave is common for all junctional rhythms as the depolarization pacing point are in the AV node, and the depolarization wave ...
1) p-wave increased height in positive defection (>1.5 boxes) 2) widening and deepening of neg deflection Junctional Rhythm define and EKG changes heart beat originates in AV node or His Bundle - Inverted p-waves in II, III and aVF ...
the 3 limb leads form an imaginary inverted triangle over the heart = Einthoven’s triangle There should be a square wave calibration to show that 1mV is equivalent to 1cm in height. Speed should be 25mm/sec. Hence 1 large square is 200msec and 1 small square is 40msec. ...
EKGlab EKGreadings •Theremustbeafull12leadsrecordedandlabelledplusarhythmstrip,usually fromleadII. •Thebaselinemustbestableandnotwandering. •Leadsmustbewellattached,evenifitmeansshavingahairychest. •Thereshouldbelittleinterferencefromskeletalmuscle.Thepatientmustbe relaxedandcomfortable. 20-3 History...
In aVR the right arm is the exploring electrode and the reference is composed by averaging the left arm and left leg. Lead aVR can be inverted into lead –aVR (which means that the exploring and reference point has switched positions), which is identical to aVR but upside-down. There are...