非透壁性心梗 nontransmural MI 正常窦性心律 normal sinus rhythm 二尖瓣型P波 P mitrale 肺型P波 P pulmonale 房性早搏 PAC / Premature atrial contractions 起搏心律 pacemaker rhythm 成对室早 paired PVC 并行心律 para-systole 阵发性交界(室上)性心...
EKG rhythm, causes, management Accelerated junctional rhythm/ SVT 60-100 = Accelerated junctional rhythm>100 = SVTP waves- none, antegrade or retrograde Causes: Digitalis toxicity, IWMI, HF, myocarditis, valvular heart disease, post cardiac surgery (esp. valve surgery) Tx: Assess pt., find under...
A junctional tachycardia is Irregular Rhythms that originate in the AV junction include PJCAccelerated junctional rhythm Junctional tachycardia The QRS measure for a PAC should be : Less than .12 seconds What is the rate range for junctional tachycardia ? 100-180 The atrial rate in atrial fibrillat...
Junctional rhythm runs 40-60 bpm. Accelerated junctional rhythm runs from 60-100 bpm. Junctional tachycardia > 100 bpm. Junctional rhythms will have a regular RR interval, and as a signature sign, one of the following P wave variations: Absent P waves A sign that the AV node is sending de...
5.WhatistherelationshipbetweenthePwavesandQRScomplexes?MorePwavesthanQRScomplexesSuggests2ndor3rddegreeAVblockMoreQRScomplexesthanPwavesSuggestsanacceleratedjunctionalorventricularrhythm 6.Istheonset/terminationoftherhythmabruptorgradual?AbruptSuggestsreentrantrhythmGradualSuggestsalteredautomaticity StepstoInterpretinganECG ...
MorePwavesthanQRScomplexesSuggests2ndor3rddegreeAVblockMoreQRScomplexesthanPwavesSuggestsanacceleratedjunctionalorventricularrhythm6.Istheonset/terminationoftherhythmabruptorgradual? AbruptSuggestsreentrantrhythm GradualSuggestsalteredautomaticity4StepstoInterpretinganECGRateRhythmAxisIntervals(PR,QRS,QTc)Amplitudes,...
Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] ECG Library Content ECG Basics– Waves, Intervals, Segments and Clinical Interpretation ECG A to Z by diagnosis– ECG interpretation in clinical context ...
Junctional Rhythm Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm Ventricular Tachycardia Torsades des Pointes Ventricular Fibrillation Asystole Ischemia Specific ECG Changes (drugs, diseases) --- The traditional EKG-card™ printed version images are included (front & back). The EKG-card is also available in Spanish...
(A Fib) 心房颤动 第五节 AV Junctional Rhythms 房室交界性节律 一、Junctional Escape Beats 交界性逸搏 二、Junctional Escape Rhythm 交界性逸搏心律 三、Accelerated Junctional Escape Rhythm 加速性交界性逸搏心律 四、Junctional Premature Contraction 交界性期前收缩 五、Junctional Tachycardia 交界性心动过速 ...
ECG Basics including Rate, Rhythm, Axis calculations and interpretation of P, Q, R, S, T U waves, segments and basic ECG calculations