Then, within an EJS template: varconfig=<%-:config|jsObj%>;varuserId=parseInt('<%-: userId |js%>',10);<ahref="/welcome/<%-: userId |uri%>">Welcome<%-: userName |html%><ahref="javascript:activate('<%-: userId |jsAttr%>')">Click here to activate There's a handycheat ...
This fork enables injection of variables by passing the variables into the ejs method, for example: import ejs from '@teskon/vite-plugin-ejs-engine' export default { plugins: [ ejs.default({ inject: { title: 'Hello world', }, }), ], }; You will then be able to use that variable...
This fork enables injection of variables by passing the variables into theejsmethod, for example: importejsfrom'@teskon/vite-plugin-ejs-engine'exportdefault{plugins:[ejs.default({inject:{title:'Hello world',},}),],}; You will then be able to use that variable in your template files as ...
func =exports.compile(template, options); ... } 然后跟进 complie 函数, 会发现有大量的渲染拼接 如果能够覆盖opts.outputFunctionName, 这样我们构造的payload就会被拼接进js语句中,并在 ejs 渲染时进行 RCE prepended +=' var '+ opts.outputFunctionName+' = __append;'+'\n';// After injectionprepend...
在写对比文件差异的脚本时,运行脚本报错: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’ 处理方法如下: 1.使用codecs模块 2.原代码为: fileHandle = open(filename, 'rb') #此写法用于python2.x版本,因为我的版本为python3.6,所以需要做以下更改 3.更改后的代码为 import codecs fileHa...
在写对比文件差异的脚本时,运行脚本报错: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’ 处理方法如下: 1.使用codecs模块 2.原代码为: fileHandle = open(filename, 'rb') #此写法用于python2.x版本,因为我的版本为python3.6,所以需要做以下更改 3.更改后的代码为 import codecs fileHa...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade multiple dependencies. 👯 The following dependencies are linked and will therefore be updated together. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easie...
This fork enables injection of variables by passing the variables into the ejs method, for example: import ejs from '@teskon/vite-plugin-ejs-engine' export default { plugins: [ ejs.default({ inject: { title: 'Hello world', }, }), ], }; You will then be able to use that variable...
This fork enables injection of variables by passing the variables into theejsmethod, for example: importejsfrom'@teskon/vite-plugin-ejs-engine'exportdefault{plugins:[ejs.default({inject:{title:'Hello world',},}),],}; You will then be able to use that variable in your template files as ...