You now mom doesn't like to be disturbed when she's exercising. f. is exercising ¿Qué hacéis? - Lo de cada domingo, yo veo la tele y Carmen hace ejercicio.What are you doing? - What we do Sunday, in Sunday out. I'm watching TV and Carmen is exercising. 2. (second ...
¿ Amor, por qué no haces ejercicio y nos consigues un poco de cerveza? Lover, why don' t you be a sport and go get us some beer?You want some beer? opensubtitles2 Si haces ejercicio hoy, quizá logres eliminar el sobrepeso el año entrante. If you exercise today, perhaps...
The so-called support verb constructions (SVA) represent a substantial group within collocations in Spanish. These constructions can be taught through several types of exercises: those that require the learner to match verbs with nouns and those that provide the learner with ...