It is generally recommended to keep contracts and similar documents for at least seven years. This timeframe allows for the documents to be accessible in case of any disputes or legal issues that may arise. However, some documents, such as those related to real estate or taxes, may need to...
Benchmarking the Final Payment Terms and Conditions of FIDIC, AIA, EJCDC and Consensus Docs ContractsDanlei JiangPM World Journal
Comparison of the Payment Terms and Conditions of FIDIC, AIA, EJCDC, CSI and Consensus Docs Contracts with an actual contractLaraki, YasminePM World Journal
有效地解决当事人之间的纠纷对建设项目的有效进行至关重要.工程师联合合同文件委员会(Engineers Joint Contracts Document Committee)提供并定期更新的标准合同文件是一种方便,经济的工具,可确保在项目期间的任何时候将冲突降至最低.这些文件的标准语言已为招标承包商和法律专业人士所熟知,从而导致了更具竞争力的投标和...