1、EJ299-33A EJ299-33A 塑料闪烁体性能塑料闪烁体性能测试及测试及Geant4Geant4模拟研究模拟研究王德鑫王德鑫第十七届全国核物理第十七届全国核物理大会大会 CNPC2019(Wuhan)张苏雅拉图、黄美容.内蒙古民族大大学.中低能核反应研究所.王宏伟.中国科学院上海应用物理研究所/中国科学院上海高等研究院.任杰、聂杨波、陈...
A compact neutron detector was designed using the plastic scintillator EJ-299-33A, with neutron/photon pulse shape discrimination properties. Neutron responses of the detector were measured using an accelerator-based monoenergetic neutron source. The detector was tested in mixed neutron/photon fluxes, ...
EJ-299-33A scintillatorNeutron detectorDetailed characterization of the newly available plastic scintillator (EJ-299-33A) having the pulse shape discrimination (PSD) property has been carried out in case of a large-sized detector (5 in. 脳脳 mathContainer Loading Mathjax 5 in.). The pulse ...
Peters, S. Yates, Measure- ments of response functions of ej-299-33a plastic scintil- lator for fast neutrons, Nuclear Instruments and Meth- ods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spec- trometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 804 (2015) 137 - 143. doi:https://doi.org/...
The output of DD and DT neutron generators was characterized using the EJ-299-33A plastic scintillator. This detector enabled count rate measurements for fast neutrons and energy spectroscopy. Monoenergetic neutron responses were measured for this detector using the accelerator-based neutron source for ...