Since intrusion of a moving object is decided by comparition of its position and the surveillance boundary, the boundary input method is a basic function in video surveillance. Previous methods are difficult to adapt to the change of surveillance environments such as the size of surveillance area,...
5月27日下午,在内蒙古分公司广元碧桂园项目部工会的组织下,项目部管理人员、生产一线班组长、各单位库管员等23人参加了消防知识培训及消防演习,并进行了全国安全健康知识答题竞赛。 培训会上项目部安全员进行了消防应急预案、安全防范等讲解,安全员陈友贵对灭火器材的...
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the screen being so disposed in relation to the filament and of such width that it produces in the light beam from the filament a sector shaped shadow zone which extends over the offside of the road has a horizontal boundary and a boundary extending upwards at 30 degrees to the horizontal....