EIZO 艺卓 FlexScan 超薄显示器 EV2456-WT爆料人: 牛牛2121 23-11-24发布 售价3996.13元,近期好价,喜欢的关注 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付4513.97元 电脑数码实时好价排行 百亿补贴、今日必买:CukTech 酷态科 10号氮化镓充电器120W快充单体版 +收纳袋 ¥119 拼多多 ¥81.74 ...
White cables come bundled with the white cabinet; and black cables with the black cabinet version of the FlexScan EV2456. Additionally the optional Cable Cover removes the potential eyesore of tangled cables by holding them neatly behind the stand. Work Better New Stand Design The EV2456 comes ...
Eizo FlexScan EV2480 4,4 291,25 € 9+Shops Im Trend Eizo FlexScan EV3240X-WT 4,7 889,53 € 9+Shops Eizo ColorEdge CS2731 4,7 822,40 € 9+Shops 1.198,15 € 9+Shops Eizo FlexScan EV3240X-BK 5,0 899,90 € 9+Shops Eizo FlexScan EV2360 ...
EV2416W, EV2316W, EV2216W, S2134, S2133, S1933, S1923, S1903, S1703-A, S1703, S1504, S1503-A, S15035 years (main body and LCD panel) Usage time is limited to 30,000 hours or less- All FlexScan monitors 17" and greater (except touch panels) announced between June 1, 2003...
ev系列的洋垃圾了,说明以前的ccfl s系列之类的洋垃圾库存告急,经过这些年的倒卖也是卖一台少一台,现在你们对ccfl洋垃圾有心理洁癖,恐怕再过2-3年都买不到了,到时候你还得求着那些倒爷卖你 分享153 显示器吧 我的是EIZO T962 21寸特丽珑 呵呵 不错吧 分享5赞 显卡吧 Calbeeº 【转】Eizo发布FlexScan EV...
+艺卓显示器FlexScan 通用型 +ColorEdge色彩管理显示器 +艺卓医疗显示器RadiForce +艺卓工业显示器DuraVision 高亮彩色诊断级显示器 8MP:98寸会诊一体化大屏幕显示器 +艺卓 航空管制用显示器 亮度500 cd/m2,分辨率:3840X2160,支持7X24H运行 DICOM标准,HDR支持,BT.2020色域 3D-LUT色彩对照表 5路信号同时输入,任意...
FlexScan Sustainable Monitors are at the forefront of EIZO's efforts to contribute to a sustainable future. Many models are made of more than 60% recycled plastic to mitigate the amount of waste going into the environment. They are also safely packed using molded pulp, which is made from recy...
FlexScanPremium 42.5" EV4340X 37.5" EV3895 34.1" EV3450XC 31.5" EV3240X 27.0" EV2740X EV2795 24.1" EV2495 23.8" EV2490 New Standard 31.5" EV3285 27.0" EV2781 EV2785 EV2780 24.1" EV2485 23.8" EV2480 Basic 27.0" EV2760 EV2750 ...