In order to ensure meaningful test results, your monitor should already be warmed up prior to testing (ideally for 30 minutes). You should also clean the display prior to testing, since reflected light could cause dust particles to look like defective pixels. ...
Start EIZO Monitor Test Test Pattern Defective Pixels1 Uniformity Color Distances Gradients Sharpness Viewing Angle Gamma2 Response Time 1Pixel warranty varies by manufacturer. For information about EIZO’s pixel policysee our Warranty page. 2Gamma can be confirmed with dot-by-dot display only. (I...
EIZO Monitortest 是一款易于使用的软件,可让您使用 24 种不同的测试方法来测试和校准显示器。智能界面将为您提供有关显示器以及测试的信息,例如:收敛、速度、锐度、自动调整、基本颜色、几何形状和亮度/对比度/均匀性。此版本是 CNET 上的第一个版本。
Our FlexScan monitor manufacturing process combines manual operations with automated ones to ensure high quality products made as efficiently as possible. Manual operations are performed for assembly tasks that cannot be automated or for verifying image quality to ensure it looks right to the human eye...
EIZO Monitortest is an easy-to-use software that will allow you to test and to calibrate your monitor using 24 different testing methods. The smart interface will offer you information about your monitor as well as tests such as: convergence, speed, sharpness, AutoAdjust, Basic colors, Geometr...
While using the notebook for simple tasks on the go, the office monitor can be used for complicated and data-rich work that requires a larger workspace. A perfect example of a monitor to suit this flexible work environment is the FlexSca...
EIZO艺卓系列显示器Monitortest最新测试工具1.6版For For Win9x/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003(2007年5月28日发布)这是专业显示器制造商EIZO艺卓推出的一款显示器测试工具,绿色软件、无需安装。该软件的测试项目有24项之多,测试前要把显示器调节到最佳分辨率和刷新率的状态下,需要进行下一步的测试时只需要轻点鼠标就行。其...
„Vertrieb(e)“bezeichnet)garantierendemursprünglichenKäufer(imWeiterenals„Erstkäufer“bezeichnet),derdasin diesemDokumentvorgegebeneProdukt(imWeiterenals„Produkt“bezeichnet)vonEIZOodereinemVertrieberworben hat,gemäßdenBedingungendieserbeschränktenGarantie(imWeiterenals„Garantie“bezeichnet...
EIZO艺卓显示器Monitortest 测试工具 v1.12系统检测 软件等级: 软件大小:7.58MB 支持语言:英文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:系统软件/系统检测 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-10-15 02:45:03 运行环境:WinXp,Win2000,Win2003 厂商: 关键字: 本地下载 大小:(7.58MB) ...