For the 2023 tax year, the maximum EITC ranges from $600 for taxpayers with no children to $7,840 for those with three or more children. Income limits differ based on filing status and number of dependents. The EITC can give you a much bigger tax refund than you might expect. This ext...
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI):Your AGI must fall within the income limits set by the IRS for the tax year. These limits vary depending on your filing status and the number of qualifying children you have. Filing Status:You must file as Single, Head of Household, Qualifying Widow or Widower ...
How to Claim the Earned Income Tax Credit for a Previous Tax Year? The income limits for the EITC get adjusted every year, so even if you did not qualify for the EITC in the past, you might qualify now and be able to claim it this year on your return. Start the EITCucator tool ...