For the 2023 tax year, the maximum EITC ranges from $600 for taxpayers with no children to $7,840 for those with three or more children. Income limits differ based on filing status and number of dependents. The EITC can give you a much bigger tax refund than you might expect. This ext...
2023, Econometrica The effects of child poverty reductions on child protective services involvement 2023, Social Service Review THE ANTIPOVERTY IMPACT OF THE EITC: NEW ESTIMATES FROM SURVEY AND ADMINISTRATIVE TAX RECORDS 2022, National Tax Journal ...
(2014) look at the effect on wages of changes in the net replacement rate, and find elasticities in the range of 0.2–0.4; thus, the EITC may promote wage moderation. 4. Theoretical framework and hypotheses In this section, we present and discuss a very simple theoretical framework for ...