For full updates Click "Learn More". Supported by 350 PPM Ltd. Click "Learn More" for the latest update and explaining video.Learn More ENG8 The EnergiCell Company (Funding), Nº1 in LENR ENG8, developer of LECF (Low Energy Catalysed Fusion), based on LENR, introduces the first ...
Projects can be subject to EIA not only in the planning and feasibility phases, but also during the operation phase, when the project has already been constructed on the ground and is in full operation. For the latter, the state created 'correction environmental licenses' to give an ...
A full reclose sequence (one instantaneous, followed by up to three time reclosures is enabled when the reclose permissive contact is closed and the 52b input contact is closed. The reclose initiate input is replaced by the reclose permissive input. IRB and PI are latching inputs with this...