China sent a new astronomical satellite into space on January 9 to observe mysterious transient phenomena in the universe comparable to the flickering of fireworks, with the aim of unveiling the little-known aspects of the cosmos. The satellite, named Einstein Probe (EP), uses a new detection t...
每日一词|爱因斯坦探针卫星 Einstein Probe 1月9日,我国发射了一颗新的天文卫星——爱因斯坦探针卫星,将采用一种从龙虾眼获得灵感而研发的全新探测技术,捕捉宇宙中如烟花般时隐时现、转瞬即逝的神秘现象,揭示宇宙鲜为人知的一面。 China sent a new astronomical satellite into space on January 9 to observe myste...
爱因斯坦探针(Einstein Probe,简称EP)是中国科学院空间科学先导专项十三五规划的科学卫星项目之一,是一颗面向时域天文学和高能天体物理的小型天文探测卫星.展望2020之后的学科发展,时域天文学将进入一个多信使,多波段的黄金时代.而高灵敏度,大视场的软X射线监测提供了一个难得的科学机遇.EP 卫星的任务是在软 X射线波段...
中国主导的爱因斯坦探针(Einstein Probe,简称EP)计划是一台面向未来时域天文学和高能天体物理的小型科学探测卫星,是X射线天文卫星。它就像一台宽视场的摄像机,通过拍摄天空的X光的电影,来监测天体的活动和爆发。2024年1月9日15时03分,中国在西昌卫星发射中心使用长征二号丙运载火箭,成功将爱因斯坦探针卫星发射升空,卫星...
爱因斯坦探针(Einstein Probe,简称EP)卫星是中国科学院空间科学(二期)先导专项立项实施的空间科学卫星系列任务之一,由中方主导,旨在发现和探索宇宙中X射线暂现源和爆发天体,并发布预警以引导其它天文设备进行后随跟踪观测。卫星自2024年1月发射入轨以来,已探测到新的暂现源17例、恒星耀发168例,并发布全球电报10余条,...
China sent a new astronomical satellite into space on January 9 to observe mysterious transient phenomena in the universe comparable to the flickering of fireworks, with the aim of unveiling the little-known aspects of the cosmos. The satellite...
BEIJING, April 27 (Xinhua) --China's Einstein Probe (EP) astronomical satellite, sent into space in January this year, has captured its first in-orbit detection images, which were presented at a parallel forum of the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing on Saturday. ...
Conceptual model of Einstein Probe. (PHOTO: CAS, Handout by XINHUA) By MIAO Qing China plans to launch a new X-ray astronomical satellite, Einstein Probe (EP), by the end of this year. The satellite project has entered the final stage of development, according to the ...
The Einstein Probe is a small mission dedicated to time-domain astronomy to monitor the sky in the soft X-ray band(0.5–4 keV). It will carry out systematic survey and characterisation of high-energy transients at unprecedented sensitivity, spatial resolution, Grasp and monitoring cadence. It...
On the 31st, the reporter learned from the achievement conference held by the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Einstein probe satellite found a possible new temporary object, whose spectral and time-varying characteristics are not completely consistent with the known types of objects. This discovery ...