Black, brittle single crystals of K 4 Au 8 Ga were obtained as the main product of the reaction of potassium azide with gold sponge and gallium at T = 770 K. The structure of the compound (space group C2/m, Z = 4, a = 20.850(4) Å, b = 5.63...
Optische Interferenzen/Grau: Optische Nachrichtentechnik/Schulz und Pensl: Insulating Films on Semiconductors/Hellwege: Landolt—Börnstein: Semiconductors/Halbleiter/van Spronsen: Transmutation: Natural and Artificial/Böhme: Strömungsmechanik nicht-newtonscher Fluide/McCormmach: Night Thoughts of a Cl...
Focuses on the prospects of high yielding crop production systems in Europe as of July 1999. Concerns of the European consumers regarding the high yielding production systems; Effect of high yield on technological and ecological demands; Ecological risks posed by the systems.Werner...
Using the computer language BASIC such programs can be varied and used in many desk-top calculators and word processors. Pressures recorded at different times during tonography are required as input data.Strobel, JKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd
Voswinckel, RAhlbrecht, KWolff, J. CWeissmann, NFehrenbach, HYildirim, A. ÖGrimminger, FSeeger, WDtsch Med Wochenschr
Schwarze J, Tessmann S, Sassenberg C, Muller H, Prokosch H, Uckert F. Eine modulare Gesundheitsakte als Antwort auf Kommunikationsprobleme im Gesundheitswesen. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005;3:187-95.Schwarze, J-C, Tessmann, S, Sassenberg, C (2005) Eine modulare Gesundheitsakte als Antwort auf...
Übung: Eine natürliche Lösung für Brustkrebsvorsorge und Recovery?ExerciseReviewed by Nutricula on Oct 27Rating: If you are one of those loyal and dedicated Nutricula readers, you know that I have contributed an article to each issue of Nutricula since the journal's debut issue back in ...
Runge AJ, Beesdo K, Lieb R, Wittchen HU. Wie haufig nehmen Ju- gendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Angststorungen eine psychothera- peutische Behandlung in Anspruch? Verhaltenstherapie. 2008;18:26-34.RUNGE J, BEESDO K, LIEB R, WITTCHEN H-U. Wie haufig nehmen J...
An infection of a dairy herd with Mycobacterium bovis was observed in 1990 by means of the tuberculin test. A total of 12 "Braunvieh"-cows were examined using an intradermal tuberculin test (5000 T.U. bovine tuberculin) and 8 of them showed positive reactions. The 4 younger animals did ...
Helbig, SylviaHoyer, JürgenS. Karger AGVerhaltenstherapieHelbig S, Hoyer J. Hilft wenig viel? Eine Minimalintervention fur Patienten wahrend der Wartezeit auf ambulante Verhaltenstherapie [A minimal intervention for patients waiting for outpatient behavioral therapy]. Verhaltenstherapie. 2007;17:109...