ITIN-个人纳税人识别号码 ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) 翻译成中文叫做“个人纳税人识别号码”,是专门为不具备获得社会安全号(SSN)资格的外国人或非居民而设立的税号。 ITIN由IRS(美国国内收入局)发放,用于处理美国税务事务。 ITIN适用对象: 非美国居民的外国人。 ITIN主要用途: 1、用于美国...
01 ITIN-个人纳税人识别号码 ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) 翻译成中文叫做“个人纳税人识别号码”,是专门为不具备获得社会安全号(SSN)资格的外国人或非居民而设立的税号。 ITIN由IRS(美国国内收入局)发放,用于处理美国税务事务。 ITIN适用对象: 非美国居民的外国人。 ITIN主要用途: 1、用于...
ITIN,全称Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,即个人纳税人识别号码,是美国国税局为不具备获得SSN资格的外国人或非居民而设立的税号。 1. ITIN的主要用途 报税:允许没有SSN的人在美国报税,并申请税收优惠。 银行开户:虽然ITIN不能用于所有类型的银行账户,但一些银行允许使用ITIN开设账户。 电商平台运营:在如...
二、ITIN(个人税号) ITIN,全称Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,即个人纳税人识别号码,是美国国税局为不具备获得SSN资格的外国人或非居民而设立的税号。 1. ITIN的主要用途 报税:允许没有SSN的人在美国报税,并申请税收优惠。 银行开户:虽然ITIN不能用于所有类型的银行账户,但一些银行允许使用ITIN开设账户。
## 2. EIN VS. ITIN 针对外国人或外国公司,在获得EIN之前,有时需要先获得Individual Taxpayer Identification Number(ITIN)。ITIN是为未能获得社会安全号码(SSN)而设立的纳税人识别号码,用于在美国申报税务。在一些情况下,外国个人或公司最初需要获得ITIN,然后再申请EIN。
Depending on the nature of the particular taxpayer, the EIN may or may not be the TIN used by the IRS. For sole proprietors, the TIN is often their Social Security number. Forcorporations, partnerships, trusts, andestates, their TIN is often an EIN. ...
SSN: Social Security Number FEIN/EIN: Employer Identification Number ITIN: Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This is for individual taxpayers who are ineligible for an SSN, such as some residents or undocumented immigrants. ATIN: Taxpayer Identification Number. This number is for Pending U.S...
EIN vs. TIN While an EIN and a taxpayer identification number (TIN) are both used for tax-related purposes, they differ in scope. The EIN serves as a unique identifier for your business, ensuring compliance with tax obligations. A TIN, on the other hand, is a general term referring to ...
Name and taxpayer ID number (e.g., SSN, ITIN, existing FEIN) of the “true principal officer, general partner, grantor, owner or trustor,” also called the “responsible party” of the business Information on the type of legal structure, business, or organization being established ...
In summary, the “umbrella term” TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number and includes: • SSN (Social Security Number) • EIN (Employer Identification Number) • ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) Each number has different uses and is applied for in a different way. ...