EIN Lookup is a tool that enables individuals and businesses to search for a particular Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses operating in the United States. An EIN is a unique nine-digit number
Reverse EIN lookup means using an EIN to look up the company it belongs to (rather than the other way around). Depending on how many numbers you need to look up, it might cost some money. LexisNexis, another database, offers users EIN reverse lookups for either a $20 one-time fee or...
Finding a Tax ID Number for a Nonprofit Organization If the entity you're researching is a nonprofit organization, you can use the Melissa lookup website and search by name. The search results will show plenty of information about the nonprofit including its federal EIN. Other Options for Findi...
Finding a Tax ID Number for a Nonprofit Organization If the entity you're researching is a nonprofit organization, you can use the Melissa lookup website and search by name. The search results will show plenty of information about the nonprofit including its federal EIN. Other Options for Findi...
EIN lookup: The best options If you’ve misplaced the notice received from the IRS when you applied for an EIN, there’s no free online EIN lookup or tax ID lookup database you can use to perform a quick search. However, you can do the following to find it: ...
How to lookup an EIN number Finding your EIN or another company's number is a simple procedure. Try the following if you lost your EIN: Pull your last tax return and lookup your EIN Search your files and find the original IRS notice with the EIN assignment If you assigned the EIN to ...