Additional services for established businesses This form is protected byreCaptcha Frequently asked questions +What is an EIN? +Who needs an EIN? +What happens if a business entity does not obtain an EIN?
If the business owner or another responsible party is designating someone else to apply for an EIN on their behalf, then they need to fill out and sign Form SS-4 and keep a copy in their files. 3. Submit your application and wait If you apply online, you’ll receive your EIN immedia...
电话服务时间为周一至周五美东时间上午6点至晚上11点。致电者是有权取得EIN的人并能够回答有关SS-4表《僱主身份号码申请表》(Form SS-4PDF, Application for Employer Identification Number)上的問題问题。如须第三方被指定人可以代为申请EIN并回答有关填写SS-4表的问题,本人必须填妥SS-4表下方第三方被指定人部...
Please note, that even if you plan on filing either of these forms, you’ll need to continue through the process of the online EIN application, and after your EIN is approved, you can then file Form 8832 or Form 2553. But make sure you speak to an accountant regarding which method of...
致电者是有权取得EIN的人并能够回答有关SS-4表《僱主身份号码申请表》(Form SS-4PDF, Application for Employer Identification Number)上的問題问题。如须第三方被指定人可以代为申请EIN并回答有关填写SS-4表的问题,本人必须填妥SS-4表下方第三方被指定人部分并签名,第三方被指定人的授权才能生效。EIN意境核发...
Complete the online EIN application form by entering the requested information. You will need to specify the type of business you are operating, why you are requesting an EIN, business name, business address, and the business owner's name, social security number and contact information. ...
ET. You’ll need to complete the application in one sitting because progress on the form can’t be saved. Note that the system will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity and require you to restart the application. You’ll receive an EIN immediately after submitting the online application....
Complete and submit our online order page. The SS-4 will be prepare by one of our Account Managers and email for your signature within 24 hours (Holidays and weekends excluded). Email or fax the signed application to our office. Once obtained, we will email the EIN to you. ...
Go to the IRS website and find the EIN online application page. Fill in the online application form with the required information, which includes your business name, address, and the responsible party's SSN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). After completing the application, sub...
application is completed, the information is validated and an EIN is issued immediately. Before applying, make sure you have the information you need by downloading a Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number. It contains all the items that will be requested when you apply for ...