“青蛙公主”谷爱凌音频:00:0004:48 On September 3, 2003, Eileen Gu was born in the American city of San Francisco. She has an American father and a Beijing-born mother. Eileen can speak both English and Chinese. Eilee...
谷爱凌回答:Cry ab it 注意,这个 ab 是 about 缩写,cry about it 就表示"哭去吧",这姑娘太刚了...下面跟大家聊聊谷爱凌的英文名Eileen Gu。我觉得这是中文名和英文名完美匹配的典型案例。关于“谷爱凌”名字的由来,据《经济学人》报道,2002年11月,谷燕的妹妹凌(音译)在驾驶姐姐的宝马敞篷车时发生车祸...
谷爱凌的妈妈可能也没想到“爱凌”两个字,让女儿今后成为了热爱冰雪运动的世界冠军。 所以各位mother-to-be 或 father-to-be 们,好好给未来的宝宝起个名字吧,心有多大,舞台就有多大!
谷爱凌的妈妈可能也没想到“爱凌”两个字,让女儿今后成为了热爱冰雪运动的世界冠军。 所以各位mother-to-be 或 father-to-be 们,好好给未来的宝宝起个名字吧,心有多大,舞台就有多大!
根据文中“In her free time, Gu Ailing has many hobbies, such as running, riding horses and playing the piano and basketball.”可知她喜欢骑马。题干表述错误,故答案为F。(2)当谷爱凌还是学生的时候,她的功课很好。“Gu Ailing was hard-working at school. She was a grade-A student and good at...
Eileen Gu,also known by her Chinese name Gu Ailing,was born (出生) in 2003 in San Francisco.Her father is American,and her mother is Chinese. Eileen started skiing when she was only 3 years old.And she won the National Junior group skiing champion (冠军) at the age of 9.At the age...
下面跟大家聊聊谷爱凌的英文名Eileen Gu。 我觉得这是中文名和英文名完美匹配的典型案例。 关于“谷爱凌”名字的由来,据《经济学人》报道,2002年11月,谷燕的妹妹凌(音译)在驾驶姐姐的宝马敞篷车时发生车祸,不幸身亡。 不到十个月后,姐姐谷燕的女儿出生了,取名爱凌...
Eileen Gu was born in San Francisco, California to an American father and a Chinese mother. While competing for the United States in her earlier years, Gu announced her decision to ski for China in 2019 after her first World Cup win in Italy...
谷爱凌,2003年出生于美国旧金山San Francisco父亲是美国人,哈佛大学高材生;母亲是中国人,毕业于北大和斯坦福。早年她曾代表美国参赛,2019年她于意大利获得个人首枚世界杯金牌,之后便宣布决定加入中国国籍,代表中国参赛。 Eileen Gu was born in San Francisco, California to an American father and a Chinese mother. ...
Gu Ailing (Eileen Gu) is a freeskier (自由式滑雪运动员) with an 1 (America) father and a Chinese mother. She grew up and still lives in the USA, but in June 2019, she 2 (become) a Chinese citizen and chose to compete for China. Gu Ailing started to learn skiing in 2006. At ...