The Eight of Swords represents negativity & imprisonment. Learn about the Eight of Swords tarot card & its reversed & love meanings with!
Eight of Swords Tarot card Eight of Swords's Meaning Some things in life are beyond your control, and the VIII of Swords suggests that you are being actively held back by some of them. This can something as personal as a bad boss or as sweeping as international politics. In any case, ...
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning The problems brought by the seven wands will all be gone and cleared. You have nothing restricting you to reach your goals or hindering your plans. It is a good time and you can put your plans in action. This card contains a high level of energy and ...
Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning It shows that you are all set to walk away from failures and situations full of misery and disappointments. You might be ready to escape from your job, relationship, lifestyle, and projects etc which were once the reason for happiness in your life. But now...