Eight of Cups Reversed Meaning The Eight of Cups reversed suggests that you may have experienced a terrible event, yet you have somehow not allowed it to ruin your life. You don't indulge in the kind of emotional agony this card generally represents, which may be a sign that you are more...
Eight of Cups Reversed Meaning The Eight of Cups reversed suggests that you may have experienced a terrible event, yet you have somehow not allowed it to ruin your life. You don't indulge in the kind of emotional agony this card generally represents, which may be a sign that you are more...
圣杯牌组 8号牌 EIGHT of CUPS圣杯八 逆位 关键词:犹豫、逃离、遁世、纠结、进退两难 要努力寻找自己心中真实意愿和创想 牌面细节: 当圣杯八逆位时,行动愈发艰难,暗示你拒绝离开某种状态。你不想离开,即使你早就知道它已经无法在提供任何新事物给予你了。你需要确认一点,只要你去追寻,生命将会提供你更美好的状态。
[ Reversed? ] ACTIONS seekingdeeper meaning focusing on personal truth leaving the rat race looking for answers concentrating on what is important starting on a journey of discovery finding out the facts devoting more time to the spiritual
圣杯牌组 8号牌 EIGHT of CUPS 圣杯八 正位关键词:拋弃、不满足、行动、避世、牺牲你已经突破某种状况,并显示你要追寻更多的东西 牌面细节: 身穿红衣红鞋的男子在暮色中,手持长杖,离开他先前辛苦建立的的八个杯子,越过河川,转身而去。四周沼泽密布,象征淤塞的情感,如同一滩死水。 要搭起那八个杯子,起码需要...
Eight of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning You might feel you are stuck between staying and leaving. As you still hope to give it one last try to make things better. But the main concern is will this effort bring a change or not. Ask your inner feelings and intuition. You might wish to...
在一个明月之夜,一个红衣男子拄杖离开他辛苦搭建起来的八个圣杯而去。周围密布的沼泽,象征着淤塞的情感。他离开是因为发现搭建的杯子上有个缺口。 于是,他为了寻找一个杯子,抛弃了身后已搭建好的八个被子。他本来可以带着八个杯子去寻找那个杯子的,但他没有这么做。他穿着红色的衣鞋,象征着他的行动力。由画中...
牌名:圣杯八(Eight Of Cups) 元素:水 代表色:蓝色 关键字:拋弃、不满足、行动、牺牲 含义:令人愉快的公司和良好的情谊,聚会和有计划的庆祝活动。 牌面解读 在一个月明之夜,一个红衣男子拄杖离开他辛苦搭建起来的八个圣杯而去。周围密布的沼泽,象征着淤塞的情感。他离开是因为发现搭建的杯子上有个缺口。于是,他...