Eight of Disks Reversed Meaning The Eight of Coins reversed asks that you not mistake your work for your identity. It is a common error to overly identify with one's livelihood. This card reversed indicates that you are in danger of losing your self to your work. This would be a big mi...
In Tarot, the Eight of Pentacles (Coins) represents dedication. Learn this card’s meaning in love, career, or advice readings or when it appears reversed.
Eight Of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning In a general context, when Eight of Pentacles Tarot cards are reversed, it can indicate laziness, carelessness, lack of effort or poor concentration on your part. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that you are not dedicating your focus to w...
The reversed Eight of Pentacles Tarot love meaning suggests that your relationship may be lacking effort, commitment, or experiencing laziness. It warns against allowing workaholic tendencies to negatively impact your relationship. Boredom and complacency may be creeping in, requiring you to make efforts...