Two vowels, ending in t One syllables, ending in t Spelled With / Contains Letters Solve the puzzle _i_h_ Solve the puzzle _ig_t Solve the puzzle _igh_ Solve the puzzle _ight Filtering/Finder Tools Rhymes for eight? What sounds like eight? Unscramble Eight 5 Letter Scrabble Words Found...
When he had done so, he told me that as I came to demand it before the crop was off, I had a right to produce of the current year, and so he paid me #100 in Spanish pieces of eight, and desired me to give him a receipt for it as in full for that year, ending at Christmas...
Use Alliteration: This is when you have multiple words with the same letter or consonant sound. Like in the tongue twister "Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper." Incorporate similes : Compare two things you wouldn't normally compare with the words "like" " as" or "then." For example, "...
At various critical times throughout the day, I take steroids to reduce the swelling in the brain, three or four different laxatives to tackle the constipation that the antinausea drug in the syringe driver causes and, critically, an anti-epileptic to deal with any seizures. I have blurred v...
Complaining about Gillette’s merger with Procter & Gamble, the vice chair of the board wrote in an open letter, “Thousands of Gillette’s employees will soon receive pink slips. Their ‘leader’ (CEO James Kilts) will receive $170 million.” Richard T. Bliss and Richard J. Rosen, both...
(The command is the letter Ell, not the number 1!) EightBall Compiler and Virtual Machine What is it? The EightBall Virtual Machine is a simple runtime VM for executing the bytecode produced by the EightBall compiler. The EightBall VM can run on 6502 systems (Apple II, Commodore VIC20, ...
tailtailletterE. 7.5.1makesawordthatisnotpluraldoesnotendwiths(dense insteadofdens,purseisnotpurs,falseisnotFALS) 7.5.2pluslengthwords(main-idea),suchasawe,ewe,rye 7.5.3distinguishesthemeaningsofhomophones,suchasor/ore, for/fore. 7.5.4isleftinEnglishandforeignlanguages(wherethetail ...
Because Fricke was heavily involved in the series, he took it personally, prompting him to post an “open letter” to “dear” me inThe Judy Garland ExperienceYahoo group: You’ve now publicly decried the most recent Savoy GREATEST HITS LIVE TV series compact disc release as “a very short...
Catherine plays video games for a living and writes because she’s in love with words. Her Young Adult contemporary novel, For The Win: The Not-So-Epic Quest Of A Non-Playable Character, is her third book published by Penguin Random House SEA - a poignant love letter to gamer geeks, ...
The set is the subject of a notable letter by Brahms to his publisher, often cited as evidence that the song groups and opus numbers, rather than being random collections, have order and logic in their arrangement. In the letter, he was adamant about the grouping into two subsets as well...