【题目】 Farmer John an d Farmer Bob wer e n eighbors.For 30 years , they h a d been getting a long very well.T hen their goo d relationship broke. It bega n with a small thing , then bitter words , an d then weeks of silence. On e morning, Farme r John wok e up to ...
In order to scare me, he said she had long black hair down to her waist and long pointed teeth sticking out of her mouth. No wonder I was scared as I made my way up the little path to the front door, flanked by my older brother and sister.The junior section of the school was ...
59. According to the passage, what is necessary for a creative person (no more than 10 words) 60. Do you think you are more creative as a student Please give an example. (no more than 25 words) 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: The long, white robot weighs more than 450 kilograms. Like...
所属专辑:星之升少儿版上册(共享) 猜你喜欢 648 pa戏 by:有声余果 2195 PA4 by:西七里塘 1895 PA2 by:西七里塘 1396 姐妹奇葩PA by:听友3106607 195 Naci Pa Esto-Ozzy by:嘻哈有态度 1.8万 PA的四种思维模式 by:张巍教练 861 播客Pa【谈琴说乐】艺教有多难 ...
words单词,话语,by profession为常用结构:在职业上。从下文的信息“worked almost eighteen hours a day”也可以找到提示。选B【小题3】考查形容词:A. hopeless无望的,B. promising有希望的,C. demanding苛刻的,D. careless粗心的,从下文的信息 “their father would never be able…”以及上文提到的贫困的...
* The stories teach him new words and how to put phrases and sentences languages!together correctly. E. He suggests using flash cards for Vaughn says daily practice and revision (memorizing new words.) are important-even in small amounts. 4However, he says it's important not to cram (塞...
Deep within theEthien Forestlies the Nation of theLarani- Laraethien. lead by theCouncil of First, the loyal elves that followed Vitukua on his long trail to meet the Dragons, they found the magic imbued lands of El-Ethien as the perfect spot for them to settle.Originally, they settled...
【4】 E/G;G/E 【5】C/H;H/C 【解析】 试题分析: 【1】句意:我的爷爷80岁了,但是他还身体健康,这里是形容词作定语可以用 good或excellent。根据题意,故填B / F;F/B。 【2】句意:我们在昨天下午9点到的北京。短语arrive in=reach,这里用一般过去时态,故选A/I; I/A。 【3】句意:自从上周五...
pj1_063_part3_learn_the_magic_e_words 25 2020-07 6 pj1_063_part2_read_the_words 35 2020-07 7 pj1_063_part1_magic_e 33 2020-07 8 pj1_062_part3_song 33 2020-07 9 pj1_062_part2_read_the_long_vowel_words 44 2020-07 ...
both take a long time to prepare 2. according to the passage, which of the following statements is true? E. Writing skills are less important than experience. F. A good writer should have his own way of writing. G. A good writer should learn to write all kinds of articles. . The ...