In this paper, we define the symmetric hyperdeterminant, eigenvalues and E-eigenvalues of a real supersymmetric tensor. We show that eigenvalues are roots of a one-dimensional polynomial, and when the order of the tensor is even, E-eigenvalues are roots of another one-dimensional polynomial. The...
ne the symmetric hyperdeterminant, eigenvalues and E-eigenvalues of a real supersymmetric tensor. We show that eigenvalues are roots of a one-dimensional polynomial, and when the order of the tensor is even, E-eigenvalues are roots of another one-dimensional polynomial. These two one-dimensional ...
Liqun QiDepartment of MathematicsElsevier LtdJournal of Symbolic ComputationQI Liqun. Rank and Eigenvalues of a Supersymmetric Tensor, the Multivariate Homogeneous Polynomial and the Algebraic Hypersurface It Defines [J]. J Symb Comput, 2006, 41(12) : 1309-1327....
eigenvaluestensorsinvariantstensor特征值supermatrix J.Math.Anal.Appl.325(2007)1363–1377 .elsevier/locate/jmaa Eigenvaluesandinvariantsoftensors LiqunQi 1 DepartmentofAppliedMathematics,TheHongKongPolytechnicUniversity,Kowloon,HongKong Received4August2005 Availableonline27March2006 SubmittedbyJ.A.Filar Abstract At...
Dai, "A sequential subspace projection method for extreme Z-eigenvalues of supersymmetric tensors", Numer. Linear Algebr. Appl., 22 (2015) 283-298.C.-L. Hao, C.-F. Cui, and Y.-H. Dai, A sequential subspace projection method for extreme Z-eigenvalues of supersymmetric tensors, Numerical...