voidProbitNoise::evalModel(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> & Ytest,constintn, Eigen::VectorXd & predictions, Eigen::VectorXd & predictions_var,constEigen::MatrixXd &cols,constEigen::MatrixXd &rows,doublemean_rating) {constunsignedN = Ytest.nonZeros(); Eigen::VectorXdpred(N); Eigen::VectorXdtes...
// MatrixReplacement looks-like a SparseMatrix, so let's inherits its traits: template<> struct traits<MatrixReplacement> : public Eigen::internal::traits<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > {}; } } // Example of a matrix-free wrapper from a user type to Eigen's compatible type // For the ...
在build 目录中,再进入到目录 bench/spbench中,输入 make spbenchsolver 编译例程. 带 --help 选项就可以得到所有的可用选项. 一般地,测试矩阵在MatrixMarket Coordinate format, 例程返回所有可用的求解器统计结果. 为了以matrix-market format导出矩阵和右侧向量 , 可以用不支持的导出模块SparseExtra module,例如 #...
SparseMatrix createSparseMatrix(int rows, int cols, int nonZeros) { SparseMatrix matrix(rows, cols); matrix.reserve(nonZeros); return matrix; } void operateSparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix& matrix) { // 进行稀疏矩阵的操作,如矩阵乘法、矩阵求解等 } int main() { SparseMatrix matrix = cr...
开发者ID:23119841,项目名称:openbr,代码行数:8,代码来源:Tutorial_sparse_example_details.cpp 示例5: lp ▲点赞 1▼ typenameboost::math::tools::promote_args<T_y,T_loc,T_scale,T_shape>::typelkj_cov_log(constEigen::Matrix<T_y,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic>& y,constEigen::Matrix<T_loc,...
Package‘EigenR’October12,2022 Type Package Title Complex Matrix Algebra with'Eigen'Version1.2.3 Author Stéphane Laurent Maintainer Stéphane Laurent<***> Description Matrix algebra using the'Eigen'C++library:determinant,rank,inverse,pseudo-inverse,kernel and image,QR decomposition,Cholesky decomposition...
OpenCV 支持与 Eigen 之间的数据转化,本文记录方法。 数据转换 OpenCV 算子 cv -> eigen: cv2...
The eig function also supports calculating eigenvalues of sparse matrices which are real and symmetric by nature. In order to calculate the eigenvectors and Eigenvectors of a sparse matrix, which is not real and symmetric, the functioneigs() can be used. ...
以上就是建立稀疏矩阵A_sparse的流程 下边开始构建求解器, 求解Ax=b,其中x为待求项 求解器类型BiCGSTAB,使用迭代方式求解稀疏矩阵,用于求解方阵。 BiCGSTAB<SparseMatrix<double>> solver; 设置残差 solver.setTolerance(1e-8); 计算矩阵的广义特征值分解 ...
The second smallest eigenvalue λ2 of the Laplacian matrix is called the algebraic connectivity of the graph and is often called Fiedler eigenvalue. In case of undirected graphs, the second smallest eigenvalue is larger in case of highly connected graphs compared to sparse graphs (Olfati-Saber ...