Eiderdown Cluster Why Eiderdown is the Best Down for Bedding True Eiderdownis the only down that has absolutely no feathers or rigid quills. It is extremely soft, elastic and resistant to repeated compression. This means that your eiderdown duvet or pillow will not lose it's comforting warmth a...
20 Year Warranty & Terms of Sale More of Our Best Sferra Giza 45 Percale Duvet Covers & Bed Linens Standard Size Eiderdown Pillow - Medium (19oz) Cascade Made™ 900 Standard Size Goose Down Pillow - Medium (15oz) Cascade Made™ 900 Down Comforter - Queen Size Light (28oz) “...
1. eiderdown(feathers): eiderdown [Eider]daunenpl 2. eiderdown(quilt): eiderdown Daunenbettnt eiderdown Federbettnt<-(e)s, -en> eiderdown Duvetnt<-s, -s>瑞 您希望如何使用 PONS.com? 广告版的PONS 像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 ...
Define eiderdown. eiderdown synonyms, eiderdown pronunciation, eiderdown translation, English dictionary definition of eiderdown. also eider down n. 1. The down of the eider, used as stuffing for quilts and pillows. 2. A quilt stuffed with the down of th
鸭绒汉英翻译 duck´s down鸭绒; eiderdown鸭的绒毛,鸭绒被; 词组短语 鸭绒背心duck´s down waistcoat 鸭绒被eiderdown quilt; duck´s down quilt 鸭绒织物eiderdown quilt; duck´s down quilt 鸭绒衣down jacket 鸭绒枕duck down pillow 鸭绒旅行被duck down travel quilt ...
小孩睡羽绒床身体会变弱。 —— 给力词典精选 2. In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers. 我躺在床上, 将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上。 —— 给力词典精选 3. Down power to inflate and fill up with air. 蓬松度是指羽绒蓄含空气和膨胀的能力。
The rough selvedge positioning mechanism of the eiderdown pillow cover and the eiderdown quilt cover is simple in structure, and reliable. Skewing and lean of route sewed on the eiderdown pillow cover and the eiderdown quilt cover is avoided, and aesthetics of the eiderdown pillow cover and the ...
ei·der·down alsoeider down(ī′dər-doun′) n. 1.The down of the eider, used as stuffing for quilts and pillows. 2.A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider. 3.A warm napped fabric. [Swedishejderdun, from Icelandicædhar-dún:ædhar, genitive ofædhr,eider(from Old Nor...
The Application of Machine Vision in the Selective Extraction System of Different Coloured Eiderdown Material for covering mattress, pillow or eiderdown - comprising compact polyurethane membrane reinforced with flat textile, permeab...
At first, having supplied him with pillow and eiderdown, she had withdrawn to her bedroom. Al principi, després d’haver-li cedit el coixí i l’edredó, l’Emily s’havia ficat al seu dormitori. Literature Serafí was still curled up on the fluffy eiderdown, and I thought it best...