Falsifications are rampant in the main market for eiderdown, Japan, where comforters are filled with cheap Chinese duck down of similar color but inferior quality and sold as eiderdown. In this case certification of the item is elaborately falsified as well. Here is an example of a dubious ...
The eider down is often used to make high-quality pillows and comforters. (绒鸭的绒毛常被用来制作高品质的枕头和被子。) In Denmark, the eider duck is a national symbol. (在丹麦,绒鸭是国家象征之一。) 词根分析 词根:eid-,来源于古英语,与“鸭”有关。 衍生单词:无直接由该词根衍生的常见单词,...
duck down eider duck eider down of the e... comfort puff comforter quilt eiderdown duvet continental q... a soft quilt... eiderdown noun Synonyms for eiderdown nouna soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider Synonyms continental quilt ...
Related to eiders:eider duck,Common Eider ei·der (ī′dər) n. Anyofseverallargeseaducks,especiallyofthegenusSomateriaofnorthernregions,havingsoft,commerciallyvaluabledownandpredominantlyblackandwhiteplumageinthemale. [Back-formationfromeiderdown.] ...
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eider- duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females eider duck sea duck- any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser genus Somateria,Somateria- eider ducks
eider- duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females eider duck sea duck- any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser genus Somateria,Somateria- eider ducks
Related to Common Eider:eider duck ei·der (ī′dər) n. Any of several large sea ducks, especially of the genusSomateriaof northern regions, having soft, commercially valuable down and predominantly black and white plumage in the male. ...
eider- duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females eider duck sea duck- any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser genus Somateria,Somateria- eider ducks