带有羊宗教信仰的穆巴拉克海报(eid-ul-adha-mubarak-posterbanner-with-sheep-religion-eid-mubarak-bunting) 资源编号 : 93515493 格式: png 文件体积 : 677k 分辨率 : 1200 x 1200 幸福是奋斗出来 PNG 677k 名称 分辨率 格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑 图片编辑...
Eid ul-Ad·ha /ˌiːd ʊl ˈɑːdə $ ˌɪd-/ noun [uncountableU] a religious festival that Muslims celebrate at the end of the haj in order to remember that the Prophet Ibrahim was willing to kill his son for Allah 宰牲节〔穆斯林在麦加朝觐过后庆祝的节日,以纪念先知易卜...
On Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail to Allah (God). Eid celebrations in the UK differ somewhat from those in predominantly Muslim countries. Sheep are among the animals traditionally sacrificed on Eid ul-Adha. ©iStockphoto.com/Bene_A The Fe...
Eid-ul-Adha sticker عيد الأضحىYou Might Also Like All Festival SMS and Greetings Entertainment New Year Cards Greetings 2025 Entertainment Father's Day Wishes & Quotes Entertainment Anniversary Wishes & Cards Entertainment ...
Each festive gives us some time to make us believe in a cultural look. Each time the big event comes we make some extra care of our fashion for its trends. Today I am sharing the latestEid ul-Adha 2025Mehndi Designfor Girls a collection of new images. Eid ul Adha in India is celebra...
Read about Eidul-Adha in Ghana in 2025. Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast in the Muslim calendar. It celebrates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael in submission to Allah's command, before he
网络古尔邦节;牺牲节;宰牲节 网络释义
宰牲节是中国穆斯林的盛大节日。“古尔邦”在阿拉伯语中被称为Eld Gulbang或Eld Azuha。“长辈”是节日的意思。“古尔邦节”和“阿祖哈节”都是“牺牲”和“奉献”的意思,所以这个节日一般被称为“祭祀节”或“宰牲节”。也译为“库尔班”。中国2015年的宰牲节是公历9月24日,联合国公布的日期是9月...
Eid Ul Adha in Bangladesh is 07 June, 2025 (10 Zulhijjah 1446 AH). In Islam, there are several Islamic events that have their own significance. However, Eid Ul Adha is also among the holiest event in Islam. Each year, Muslims in Bangladesh do special arrangements regarding the event. The...
Eid ul-adha or Eid al-adha or bakrid (bakra eid) is an auspicious holy occasion of Islam. It's is the Eid of sacrifice. The prophet and apostle of God Abraham sacrificed his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice ...