Start Date:* End Date:* No. of Persons:Adults:Children: Rooms Required:Single:Double:Triple: Cities/Destinations you would like to travel: Any Preferences: Contact Information: Your Name:* Your E-Mail:* NationalityIndian ResidentNon Indian Resident ...
date as possibleHigh levels of data privacy compliance and trust also have a positive effect on the number of service providersNumber of service providersMetric sets out how many eID services are available in the respective countryNumber of service providers was reached through official sources and ...
possible integer and ic to the chosen information criterion (Akaike, Hannan-Quinn, Schwarz, or forecast prediction error), the function identifies the optimal lag inclusion. However, we also considered the significance of the lag period in selecting the final model [55]. The optimal lag periods ...
possible integer and ic to the chosen information criterion (Akaike, Hannan-Quinn, Schwarz, or forecast prediction error), the function identifies the optimal lag inclusion. However, we also considered the significance of the lag period in selecting the final model [55]. The optimal lag periods ...
Eid ul Fitr Celebrations Eid ul Fitr Date Eid ul Fitr Decorations Eid ul Fitr PrayersEid ul-Fitr or the "festival of breaking of the fast" is one of the biggest festivals of the Muslims. The occasion, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, is celebrated with much po...
Years are reckoned from theHijrah, the date of the ProphetMuhammad’s migration (622ce) fromMeccatoYathrib(Medina) upon invitation in order to escape persecution.ʿUmar I, the secondcaliph, in the year 639ceintroduced the Hijrahera(now distinguished by the initialsah, for Latinanno Hegirae,...