When is Eid al-Adha? Predicting thedate of Islamic holidaysis atricky business. The Muslim calendar is a lunar calendar where a new month begins with aconfirmed sightingof theCrescent Moon. This makes it impossible to predict the exact date of Eid al-Adha. What’s more, thedate can varyf...
2027 星期一 5月17日 (一) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Muslim 2028 星期五 5月5日 (五) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Muslim 2029 星期二 4月24日 (二) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Muslim 2030 星期日 4月14日 (日) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Muslim While we diligently research and...
宰牲节(Eid al-Adha),又称#古尔邦节# ,一般是在伊斯兰历法最后一个月朝觐月(Dhu al-Hijjah)的第10日,与朝觐的第3天重合,并且将持续3天时间。#宰牲节# 是继开斋节之后的穆斯林第二大主要节日,也是最重大的节日!宰牲节是宽恕、仁慈、怜悯和平等的节日,倡导奉献精神和团结互助,同时鼓励人们关注社会弱势群体,将...
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Muslims across Indonesia on Thursday were celebrating Eid al-Adha, one of the biggest holidays in the Islamic calendar, with full meat-based feasts after fears of last year's foot-and-mouth disease outbreak waned. Eid al-Adha, known as the "Feast ...
古尔邦节(Eid al-Adha),又称宰牲节,与开斋节(Eid al-Fitr)、圣纪节(Prophet's Birthday)并列为伊斯兰三大宗教节日,时间为伊斯兰历12月10日,其公历日期每年不同,今年则落在8月12日(星期一)。 来源 据《古兰经》记载,先知易卜拉欣老来无子,甚是烦恼,即向安拉祈祷:倘若安拉给...
Date of Eid al-Adha Eid Al Adha will be celebrated this year on 6 June 2025 (+-1 day), the Festival of Sacrifice is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims, Eid ul-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Dul Hijja of the lunar Islamic calendar. ...
伊斯兰教最重要的节日之一Eid al-Adha宰牲节临近,今年沙特恢复了自2020年因新冠肺炎疫情而中断的朝觐活动,上百万各地区穆斯林正在计划前往沙特阿拉伯麦加进行朝觐之旅,各国也在大力进口牛羊骆驼,用于庆祝宰牲节,可谓是不动则已,动则雷霆万钧。 本篇文章就来了解有关今年宰牲节情况,和宰牲节的独特宗教文化和意义。
When is Eid Al Adha? YearDates 2026May 28 2025Jun 7 2024Jun 17 When is Eid al-Adha? Known asEid al-Adha, Eid ul Adha, Id-ul-Azha, Id-ul-Zuha, Hari Raya Haji or Bakr-id; the 'Feast of Sacrificeis the most important feast of the Muslim calendar. ...
When is Eid Al Adha? YearDates 2026May 28, May 29 2025Jun 7, Jun 8 2024Jun 17, Jun 18 When is Eid al-Adha? Known asEid al-Adha, Eid ul Adha, Id-ul-Azha, Id-ul-Zuha, Hari Raya Haji or Bakr-id; the 'Feast of Sacrificeis the most important feast of the Muslim calendar. ...
2024 星期日 6月16日 (日) Eid al-Adha Official holiday 2025 星期六 6月7日 (六) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Official holiday 2026 星期三 5月27日 (三) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Official holiday 2027 星期一 5月17日 (一) Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date) Official holiday 2028 星期五...