2024 Earned Income Credit Table (Maximum Credit Amounts & Income Limits) Earned Income Tax Credit for Tax Year 2024 No ChildrenOne ChildTwo ChildrenThree or More Children Maximum 2024 Credit Amount $632 $4,213 $6,960 $7,830 2024 Earned Income Amount $8,260 $12,390 $17,400 $17,400 Ph...
Source: EIC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts and Tax Law UpdatesThe earned income credit is sometimes considered a negative income tax, because, being a refundable tax credit, it is paid to people even if they do not have a tax liability.In...
One: Does your income meet the IRS threshold for your filing status? In order to qualify, your adjusted gross income and your earned income must be more than zero, but less than the limits set by the IRS. The thresholds vary depending on your filing status and how many chil...
The income limits for the EITC get adjusted every year, so even if you did not qualify for the EITC in the past, you might qualify now and be able to claim it this year on your return. Start the EITCucator tool below to see if you qualify for this credit and learn what your credi...