Excellent Ideas Based On Structure. EIBOS 3D is a leading 3D printing & 3D printer related equipment manufacture as well as a well known 3D printing filament dryer manufacture. We believe in 3D printing. We believe that technology will eventually change
To solve that problem,EIBOS(Excellent Ideas Based On Structure) is launching theCyclopes filament dryer on Kickstarter. Cyclopes will fit two standard 1kg spools or one large spool, and its temperature controlled chamber can dry materials for any period via the programmable timer. It can go up ...
Turn the temperature knob to its highest setting, turn the dryer on, and check after 10 minutes if the inside of the dryer box is indeed hot. You can also check this by using a multimeter with temperature setting, if you have one. 交換する部品は何ですか? タイトル はじめに 終...
Kickstarter | EIBOS 3D printing (3D 打印 )Filament Dryer ‘CYCLOPES’各国测评 这是EIBOS的第一个产品 我们在kickstartert上进行众筹,并最终筹得102万港币。各国支持者在Youtube上进行了开箱及测评。 235 0转发 2 4 EIBOS创构科技 2020年09月20日 · 投稿了视频 03:10 Kickstarter | EIBOS 3D ...