报告中文名:2022年年度能源展望(含三个版本)报告英文名:Annual Energy Outlook 2022(含三个版本)请您关注【碳中和档案】,回复“档案006”即可获取报告的免费下载地址。
In its March Short-Term Energy Outlook, the agency also raised its forecast for US electricity consumption in 2021 by 2.1%, citing colder temperatures in the first quarter compared with the 2020 season. While EIA lowered its Q1 total marketed gas production forecast by 710 MMcf/d to 97.97 Bc...
TheU.S. Energy Information Administration(EIA) estimates US natural gas consumption to reach record levels in 2022 partly because of increased natural gas use in the electric power sector, according to our JanuaryShort-Term Energy Outlook(STEO). The EIA estimates that domest...
In the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latestShort-Term Energy Outlook, it forecasts that wind and solar energy will lead growth in US power generation for the next two years. As a result of new solar projects coming on line this year, the EIA forecasts ...
In 2050, we project that total U.S. solar capacity, which includes both utility-scale solar and rooftop solar in the commercial and residential sectors, could range from 532 gigawatts (GW) to 1,399 GW. In our Annual Energy Outlook 2023 (AEO2023), we present 16 scenarios, or ...
See http://peakoilbarrel.com/eias-annual-energy-outlook-seneca-cliff/#comment-570483 I think at minimum we will see a plateau around 80 Mb/d for a few years, this is consistent with Ron’s 2015 peak, Ron has not said when decline would begin, although one could surmise that a “peak...
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has revealed its latest Brent oil price forecast in the February edition of its short term energy outlook (STEO), which was released late Tuesday. According to the STEO, the EIA sees the Brent spot average coming in at $83.63 per barrel in...
1) Short Term Energy Outlook The June STEO provides projections for the next 21 months, starting with April 2022 to December 2023, for US C + C and other countries. The June 2022 STEO has revised downward its projected US oil output from May 2022 to Q3-23. However Q4-23 has been re...
EIA forecasts United States retail sales of electricity will increase by 2.8% in 2021, led by a 5.1% increase in sales to the industrial sector. In the most recent release of its "Short-Term Energy Outlook" (STEO), the EIA forecasts electricity sales will also grow in the commercial sector...
该机构本月发布的短期能源展望报告(Short-Term Energy Outlook - March 2021)预测,2021年,美国煤炭消费量将增加至5.47亿吨,比2020年增长15%,2022年增加到5.59亿吨,将在2021年的基础上继续增长2.2%。其中,2021年电煤消费量将达5.05亿吨,比2020年增长16%,燃煤发电量在总发电量中的比重将由2020年的不足20%上升到23...