2. 怀孕、父母保险( Maternity and Parental Benefits ):是针对孕妇、最近刚刚做了父母或领养了小孩以及需要照顾新生儿的人士 3.疾病保险(Sickness benefit):是付给那些由于疾病、受伤或需要隔离而不能工作的人群。 4.陪伴儿童保险( Family caregiver for benfit children):是针对那些需要照顾有疾病或受伤儿童的人士。
The strong negative correlation between perceived life changes and mental health in caregivers of patients with heart failure suggests that the heart failure caregivers with poor mental health may benefit from nursing interventions that improve appropriate coping with life changes related to caregiving. ...