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The article focuses on a notice issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding suspension of trading of eHydrogen Solutions Inc. and ChromoCure Inc. due to lack of information concerning the securities.PetersonJillM....
Plug continues to innovate to meet the world’s clean energy demands with hydrogen solutions for e-mobility applications. Plug is the world’s largest supplier and user of liquid hydrogen, and is growing fueling solutions into a range of transportation and motive power applications. In high-asset...
“By investing in emerging clean technologies, we are helping to accelerate the development of new solutions that have the potential to drive operational efficiencies or improve emissions performance of our Canadian natural gas production,” “We are pleased to partner with Ekona to advance their tec...
Arcadia eFuels has selectedPlug Power Inc.(NASDAQ: PLUG), a comprehensive provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy, to provide a 280 MW (megawatt) proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer system to Arcadia’s Vordingborg plant for the production of sustainable...
Le projet FCCP, financé par le programme Interreg North West Europe, permet ainsi de tester de nouvelles solutions de mobilité dans la Ville, dans un premier temps à l’intention des services municipaux. Deux vélos-cargos ont été mis en service dans le cadre du projet, don...
The Shanghai Intellectual Property Court has carried out a seizure on SCCC’s Suzhou Crystal Clear Chemical Co., Ltd. (“SCCC”) E-Grade H2O2 factory in Suzhou May 20th, to preserve evidence of patent infringement alleged by Solvay.
A remote sensing image of the study area was processed in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) software (version 5.1, ITT Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, CO, USA). Major ion compositions were used to identify the water types with the help of the OriginPro software (version 9.1...
Furthermore, the insolubility of DPPH• in water has precluded its use in aqueous solutions, especially in concentrated buffer solutions. We have recently succeeded in solubilizing DPPH• in water by forming an inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) [10,11]. This enables us to ...