venturi-lit fixe-hydrodynamiquetransfert gaz-liquideThis study concerns several Verlifix three phase reactors formed by the association of a jet venturi upper on a column filled with different solid packings. The gas and liquid flows are downstream cocurrent. Four packings are studied: glass Raschig...
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Different riser exit geometries have been investigated in an ICFB at several operating conditions. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada).Mabrouk, Rachid.Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada).
POWDER TECHNOLOGY -LAUSANNE-Conta, P., Gonthier, Y., Bernis, A., and Lacour, G. (1998). Etude et mod´elisation du comportement hydrodynamique d'un lit fluidis´e gaz-solide stabilis´e magn´etiquemen. Powder Technology, 99:201-209....
CONVERSATION DU GAZ DE SYNTHESE EN HYDROCARBURES LIQUIDES:INFLUENCE DU SUPPORT ET DES PROMOTEURS (La, Ce ET Mn) SUR LES CATALYSEURS AU COBALTSThe hydrocondensation of carbon monoxide into liquid hydrocarbons was studied in presence of cobalt catalysts modified with cerium, lanthanum or manganese ...
The investigative method had to be suitable for columns of notably different geometric characteristics (among others, axial output or annular output).Micheau, MAssociation Aeronautique et Astronautique de France