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14 Things to Bring to Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving Dinner Let's Celebrate ByJessica Kielman How to Clean a Pumpkin and Make It Last Longer Let's Celebrate BySharon Hsu How to Make Mini Coffin Cakes Let's Celebrate ByBeth Huntington
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EHow can the cactus(仙人掌)help the world?It can provide a new kind of sustainable fuel(可持续燃料).Nopalimex,a company in Mexico,has made one of the world's first cactus-powered factories.Theidea came to Sosa in Nopalimex when he was looking for ways to save money for his food facto...
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By James Highland, eHow Contributor updated:August 23, 2010 Day traders often use the Tick to inform their trades.stock market analysis screenshot image by .shock from Fotolia.com The New York Stock Exchange "Tick" is an indicator of stock market activity throughout the course of a single tr...