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Report: The industry’s future skills needs. With the hospitality industry navigating uncharted territory in a post-pandemic world, eHotelier’s Skills Survey has tackled an important question: What skills will our dynamic field need to thrive, and what education and training paths can help equip...
eHotelier: Created by experts, curated by academics, and recognised by the industry. Online hotel training, news and insights.
General Management Human Resources Finance Security and Risk Revenue Management Marketing Sales Front Office Housekeeping Food and Beverage Service Culinary Event Management Tourism Customer Service Workplace Health and Safety Sustainability COVID-19 Leadership Enterprise solutions provide eLearning for your team...
A calendar of leading global events from our partners for hoteliers and hospitality professionals around the world.
Online Webinar Institute of Hospitality Free – $10 Wed19 19-2 @ 2:30 pm-5:30 pmAEDT ROUNDTABLE: COMMERCIAL LEADERS – SYDNEY Wed19 19-2 @ 2:30 pm-5:30 pmAEDT ROUNDTABLE: COMMERCIAL LEADERS – SYDNEY Thu20 20-2 @ 10:30 am-11:30 amGMT ...
玛丽露易丝复合式酒店(Complexe Hotelier Marie Louise) IGA94 米 La Maison du Combattant325 米 BLACK DIAMOND SNACK360 米 Carrefour Madagascar575 米 Boutique De Maman740 米 L'Alliance Franco1.03公里 TIP-TOP Co Ltd. (LIFAN MOTOS)280 米 boutique orange VIP de dschang170 米 ...
拉玛纳综合酒店(Complexe Hotelier Ramana)酒店信息 携程网为您提供拉玛纳综合酒店(Complexe Hotelier Ramana)预订价格查询,涵盖该酒店电话、地址、交通、地图、点评以及Cookshire-Eaton、Cookshire-Eaton信息,使您入住Cookshire-Eaton更放心更省心。查看全部 预订快捷入口 泰国酒店 韩国酒店 日本酒店 马来西亚酒店 印度尼西亚...
Complexe Hotelier Escoumins 445 route 138, G0T 1K0 莱塞斯库曼, 加拿大 预订后,您可以在预订确认信和您的帐户中找到该住宿的详细信息(包括电话和地址)。 –位置很赞 - 显示地图 更多37张照片 在地图上查看 这间汽车旅馆位于138号公路(Route 138)上,毗邻埃斯库曼湾(Baie des Escoumins)。汽车旅馆拥有季节性...
这间汽车旅馆位于138号公路(Route 138)上,毗邻埃斯库曼湾(Baie des Escoumins)。汽车旅馆拥有季节性室外游泳池。每间客房均提供免费 Wi-Fi。 Complexe Hotelier Escoumins汽车旅馆的前台可为客人安排水肺潜水活动。汽车旅馆内还拥有健身中心。 每间客房均设有私人阳台、迷你冰箱、空调、有线电视以及带电话的办公桌。