EHIC(European Health Insurance Card),也叫欧洲医疗保健卡。是一张针对欧盟公民或居民,可以免费申领的医疗保险卡。在欧盟合法居住,并受国家社会保障计划保障的居民,也是有资格获得此卡的。但是,非欧盟国家的公民不能使用EHIC在丹麦、冰岛、列支敦士登,挪威和瑞士进行医疗服务。在葡萄牙申请这张EHIC有以下三个途径:1、葡...
A digital EHIC is more sustainable than a physical card. Reimbursement of care abroad Under the public healthcare insurance, you are entitled to (partial) reimbursement of the costs of medically necessary care abroad, if that care is also covered by the public healthcare insurance in the Netherl...
If you are an EU citizen you also need to travel with your EHIC card, as this will cover you against any costs of medical treatment abroad. To visit Puerto Rico from the US, you will only need your passport as the country has been controlled by the US since 1917. Americans don’t ...
Brexit has brought an end to the UK's involvement in the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme; that is, once your current card expires. UK launches Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) replacing EHIC cover © Lucian Milasan - Adobe Stock Image Instead, the UK government has created...