They won the very first European Championship in 1994, defeating Russia 34-21 in the final in Porto, Portugal. The Swedes won three of the first four European Championships, but had to wait fully 20 years before securing their fifth in 2022. France are next with three triumphs wh...
Briefly, the siRNA/Lipofectamine complex was incubated for 20 min at room temperature and added to cell lines to a final siRNA concentration was 30 nM, and cells incubated at 37 °C for 24 h and changed into fresh media for another 24 h. The siRNAs used are listed in Table ...
2月5日 In our final review, we look back at Denmark's dominant final win over Croatia and where that puts them among the sport's top teams of all time. We also hear from Denmark's Lukas Jørgensen and Croatia's Mario Šoštarić on the fiery gold medal clash. Our traditional Al...
Considerations for Contraceptive Use Among Patients with Migraines ArticleOpen access02 March 2023 Effect of exogenous estrogens and progestogens on the course of migraine during reproductive age: a consensus statement by the European Headache Federation (EHF) and the European Society of Contraception and...
1月9日 In der Winterpause der Handball-Bundesliga ist Zeit für einen Blick hinter die Kulissen. In dieser Folge von „Auszeit!“ berichten die beiden Recken-Praktikanten Finn Heinemann und Malte Kemmler, was sie alles in der Geschäftsstelle des Vereins erleben. Wie sieht der Büroalltag...
In our final review, we look back at Denmark's dominant final win over Croatia and where that puts them among the sport's top teams of all time. We also hear from Denmark's Lukas Jørgensen and Croatia's Mario Šoštarić on the fiery gold medal clash. Our traditional Alternative ...
Sander Sagosen has decided to leave the Kolstad project and return to the scene of his big breakthrough. Can he rediscover his form at Aalborg and where do Kolstad go from here? In our final review, we look back at Denmark's dominant final win over Croatia and where that puts them amon...