截至数据截止(2024 年 1 月 8 日;中位随访期为 5.7 个月),该 C1 OPT 队列中有 86 名 R/R FL 患者接受了 epcoritamab 治疗(2 个既往治疗线的中位数 [范围,2-9],92% 为 III-IV 期 FL,63% 为双重难治性疾病, 44% 为...
翻译:赵雨潇 校对:范磊 点评:范磊 单位:江苏省人民医院 2024年6月13日~6月16日,第29届欧洲血液病协会(EHA)年会将于“欧洲之门”西班牙马德里盛大召开。作为最重要的血液学会议之一,本次EHA年会共有近3000余项研究的最新结果公布。...
Innate Pharma SA announced that four abstracts with Innate’s drug candidates have been accepted for the European Association of Hematology 2024 Congress, taking place June 13-16, 2024 in Madrid, Spain. Two abstracts on SAR443579 (IPH6101), ANKET® platform lead asset, a trifunctional anti-...
Antonio Almeida:This year’s conference is record-breaking,with over 3,300 abstracts submitted and more than 17,000 people attending both virtually and in person.The conference spans the entirety of hematology and was curated by Professor Brian Huntley and the program committee,who selected the exp...
Antonio Almeida:This year's conference is record-breaking, with over 3,300 abstracts submitted and more than 17,000 people attending both virtually and in person. The conference spans the entirety of hematology and was curated by Professor Brian Huntley and the program committee, who selected the...
by April 24, 2025Announcement allocation of abstracts to submitting authors (incl. grant application) Ends May 2, 2024, 23:59 (CEST)Deadline for Early registration fee May 2, 2025Late-breaking abstract submission open May 9, 2025(09:00 CEST)Deadline for the late-breaking abstract submission ...
Please find below some important specifications related to abstracts: Abstract template: Please use thetemplate(模板)to submit your abstract Title count: max. 200 characters incl. space. Title: Automatically converted into uppercase in the submission. ...
myelofibrosis and is leading a number of these trials at MDACC. Dr. Daver has published more than 450 peer-reviewed manuscripts and is on the editorial board of numerous hematology specific journals. He has also authored numerous abstracts at nat...
Der EHA2024-Kongress in Madrid, Spanien, markierte mit 14.000 Teilnehmern vor Ort und insgesamt 17.900 Anmeldungen sowie 3.500 eingereichten Abstracts einen neuen Höhepunkt des Erfolgs. Diese rekordverdächtige Veranstaltung brachte Hämatologieexperten aus der ganzen Welt zusammen und besc...
Additionally, 43 abstracts will be presented at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024 Congress the following week. Eighteen oral presentations across both meetings include new data from pivotal trials and updated clinical data in ...