The word paper is derived from "papyrus", a plant which was cultivated in the Nile delta. Papyrus sheets were derived after processing the papyrus plant. Some rolls of papyrus discovered are lengthy, up to 10 meters. The technique for crafting papyrus was lost over time, but was rediscovered...
The ancient Egyptian word for doctor is "wabau". This title has a long history. The earliest recorded physician in the world, Hesy-Ra, practiced in ancient Egypt. He was Chief of Dentists and Physicians to King Djoser, who ruled in the 27th century BC. The lady Peseshet (2400 BC) may...
The voice of an ancient Egyptian priest has been heard for the first time in more than 3,000 years, thanks to a detailed reconstruction of his vocal tract (声带)from his mummified remains. A team of scientists in England used medical scans of the famous mummy of Nesyamun to create a ...
Canopic chest of priest of Montu Pady-Imenet. Neith pouring water on Qebehsenuef, the son of Horus who protected the intestines. XXII Dynasty.Luxor Museum. For that reason, ancient Egyptian artist included their images in every funerary artefact related with the mummy (at both ends of coff...
The words, “if a man see himself in a dream,” are written once for each column of various dreams. Set in a column over against each dream is the word “good” or the word “ Bad” (written in red), followed by the meaning of the dream.The manuscript presumably comes from Thebes...
Although the ancient Egyptians were knowledgeable in herbal remedies and non-surgical treatments, remedies were still closely associated with magic and religion. When a doctor or priest carried out the necessary therapy, they would also chantincantationsand wave around sticks to drive out the angry go...
(2) The Greeks also were taught by him how to expound (hermeneia) their thoughts, and it was for this reason that he was given the name “Hermes.” In a word, Osiris, taking him for his priestly scribe, communicated with him on every matter and used his counsel ab...
[阅读理解] The voice of an ancientEgyptianpriest has been heard for the first time in more than 3,000 years, thanks to a detailed reconstruction of his vocal tract (声带) from his mummified remains. A team of scientists in England used medical scans of the famous mummy of Nesyamun to cr...
Priest of Israel, a copy of the Hebrew scriptures in exchange for freeing 100,000 Jews from bondage; a verified copy was given to him and 70 men at the Isle of Pharos in Alexandria translated it into Greek -- thus the word "Septuagint" which means "translated by seventy" (the ...
As the pharaoh Akhenaten was the High Priest of Aten, at Akhenaten’s death the Cult of Aten fell to his son Tutankhaten. However, unlike his father, Tutankhaten had no love for the sun cult. Upon assuming power, Tutankhaten immediately restored the Cult of Amun to its prior place of ...