[135.] To Protect the Body from the Dangers of all kinds of Weapons, Projectiles and Guns, Shafts, Lancets, Swords, Knives Rapiers, Daggers, and Hellebards. Jesus, the true God and man, protect me, N. N., from all sorts of arms and weapons, be they of iron, steel, lead, or b...
Marie Antoinette Furniture Monster Furniture Roman Busts In Italy Roman Relief Ship Figure Antique Spelter Art Deco Plaster Carved Wood Female Sculpture Coral Island Female Goddess Bronze Swords Antique Sculpture Marble Large Art Nouveau Lady View All Popular Decorative Objects Searches ...
Reunion” of 10k classmates on the Ethereum Blockchain with a TBA MINT date as the leaders are currently voting to whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior to find their missing Royal HUJTA swords that as they arrived to their much anticipated reunion discovered all the classmates swords were missing...